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AI Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a diverse technology and almost everyone seems to have a definition for it. It is a blend of technologies that enables machines to understand, act and learn with human intelligence. There is a lot of talk about AI engines at the moment as they are changing the market significantly: ChatGPT, dall.e2, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion but also Deepfake technology - just to name a few.


API - application programming interface. An API is used to exchange information between an application and individual program parts in a standardized way. Web APIs are used in the web sector. The API does not interact with the user, but only with program modules.


App is the abbreviation for application. Each app runs as application software that extends the system with additional functions that are not fundamentally important for the functioning of the system itself.

Audio Deepfake

An audio deepfake is a voice imitated or cloned with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). The quality of the imitation is so good that it is impossible to tell whether the voice is original or not. The technology has very high potential, especially in the entertainment industry or for speech impediments. However, the potential for counterfeiting and deception is equally immense.


An avatar is a representative on the internet or in social media. An avatar is a picture or graphic that stands for a real person - for example in a computer game. Avatars are often fantasy figures that have little to do with the person behind them. However, avatars are now also used as customer advisors.


Beta testers test the functionality of a product - usually a website or a program. During development, it often happens that errors and sources of error are overlooked. In order to avoid possible errors, the developed product is extensively tested by various people before an official release.


The beta version is the development status of software in which some new functions have already been implemented, but development has not yet been completed and fully released. In other words, a preliminary version of a program that still needs to be tested but already contains all the planned functions.


The assets in supply chains of company networks are tracked from origin to end user and all associated transactions are documented. Blockchain stores these processes in a non-manipulable register like an account book or ledger. An asset can be tangible, like a car, or intangible, like intellectual property. With blockchain, almost anything of value can be traded and tracked automatically. Since blockchain cannot be manipulated, risks and costs are significantly reduced. Blockchain offers great potential for all supply chains.


A browser is a computer program for displaying Internet pages on the World Wide Web. With the help of the browser, users can navigate and search the internet, but also open local documents and files. The best-known browsers include Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari and Microsoft Edge.

Browser Extensions

Browsers can be extended by so-called extensions and they provide the Internet user with an additional range of functions that the browser itself does not offer. Another term is browser add-ons.


An error in the program code of software is a bug.A bug can lead to anything from undesirable behavior to the complete malfunction of an application or a software-controlled device. Programmers try to find and eliminate bugs as early as the development phase.


The elimination of a bug is referred to as bug fixing.


A chatbot is a program that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language programming (NLP) to understand and answer customers' questions. It simulates a conversation. More and more websites are using chatbots that answer text and/or audio-based questions and - without human intervention - make it easy to access information. They are often also called virtual assistants or agents, see Alexa or Siri.


ChatGPT is the prototype of a highly developed, dialog-oriented chatbot with artificial intelligence. It is based on an optimized version of the GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformer 3) language model and was developed by the US company OpenAI. The chatbot communicates in several languages. It understands input from humans and produces responses that can hardly be distinguished from texts of human origin.


A client is a computer or software that communicates with a server (central computer) via a specific protocol and retrieves special services or data from there in order to make them available for local use. The server can either be part of a closed network or accessible via the Internet.

Code Refactoring

Refactoring involves rebuilding the code without changing the original functionality. The aim is to improve the code internally by making small changes, while the external behavior remains the same. By refactoring, web developers improve the design, structure and implementation of software. Refactoring improves the readability of code and reduces bugs and complexity.


When a user visits a website, the website stores data on the computer called cookies. The cookies originate from the websites visited and contain information on the language, page settings, e-mail address and the name of the user. Cookies are intended to make surfing the Internet easier, as surfing habits are stored and passed on to the website operator. With the help of cookies, operators can adapt websites to personal user profiles.


Collaboration is the joint effort of several individuals or teams to accomplish a task or carry out a project together.


Correction describes the action taken to eliminate the cause of a recognized error or other undesirable situation.


Dall.E2 can generate images and art on the basis of a text specification. If you enter the text "Goat shoots soccer goal", DALL.E2 generates the image. Another option is to edit images with a text specification: Replace yellow tulips with red roses (impainting). Dall.E2 is an AI technology based on neural networks, images and text descriptions, and is a learning system. Dall.E2 strives to ensure that the application is useful, safe and free from misuse. Dall.E2 is designed to support and enhance our creative potential.


Data protection refers to the protection of personal data from misuse. It safeguards the fundamental right of natural persons to informational self-determination and the use of their data.

Deep Learning

Deep learning is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) and is part of the research field of machine learning. It imitates neuronal networks such as those found in the human brain. The system is enriched with large amounts of data and learns, i.e. existing skills are enriched and linked with new data. The major providers include companies such as Splunk and NVIDIA.

Synonyms: Deep Learning

Deepfake is an AI (artificial intelligence) technology in which a generator creates a fake image and a discriminator exposes the fake. At the same time, the system learns, i.e. the information from the discriminator is used to improve the fake (deep learning). The technology is now so sophisticated that counterfeits can hardly be identified as such. A great technology for the entertainment industry, but can also be used to defame people in a very nasty way with counterfeits.


The process of removing functions or elements from software, usually because they are obsolete or no longer needed.


The term design encompasses the formal-aesthetic form of a product (shape, size, color, material, surface, etc.) and the process of design activity. This includes the drafting work and the recording and planning of all design-determining factors that are essential for the creation of a product, such as economic requirements, technical conditions, production techniques, material properties and benefits.

Design Thinking

Design thinking is a systematic approach to complex problems from all areas of life. The approach goes far beyond traditional design disciplines such as shaping and design and places user wishes and needs as well as user-oriented invention at the center of the process. Design thinking consists of five steps: Understanding, empathy, synthesis, prototyping, testing.

Digital ethics

Digital ethics explores the right way to act and the good life in our evolving digital age. It examines the social, ecological and economic compatibility of digital technologies in their development and application. Every person, every company and every organization is confronted with digital risks, but also with opportunities.

Drag & Drop

Drag & Drop is a user interface action that allows users to move elements within a graphical user interface ... drag from one location and drop to another.


Editing means editing and publishing a literary text or entering, editing or deleting data on a computer system.


Empathy is the ability to understand other people's feelings and perspectives and to react appropriately. BugShot supports an empathic approach and user-oriented design.


An error is the deviation of the actual state from the target state. To err is human. We all make mistakes. BugShot makes it easy to correct errors within the team.


Programming needs structure. A framework is the fundamental basis for software to be programmed. A framework determines the information architecture of the programs and provides developers with pre-programmed and reusable modules, functions and components.

Game Engines

A game or game engine is an environment for software development, also known as a game architecture or game framework. This environment offers settings and configurations that optimize and simplify the development of video games using a variety of programming languages. A game engine can include: An engine that edits and imports 2D or 3D graphics; a physics engine that simulates the real world; AI that responds directly to the player, an engine for sound effects or an engine for animations. Game engines are highly complex and make the development of video games much easier.

Generative KI

Generative AI (Gen AI) is a type of artificial intelligence that can create a wide range of information, such as text, images, video, audio and 3D models. Gen AI learns patterns from existing data and then uses the learned knowledge to generate new and unique output. It can create highly realistic and extremely complex content that mimics human creativity. This tool is particularly valued in the fields of games, entertainment and product design (see also GPT and Midjourney).

Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT)

A Generative Pre-trained Transformer is a language model based on deep learning that generates texts as if they were written by humans. Users 'feed' GPT with a sentence and the transformer generates comprehensible information from data sets that are publicly available. In addition to text, the technology can also process guitar tabs and computer code, for example. The technology is being developed by OpenAI. GPT-2 comprised 1.5 billion parameters. It is assumed that GPT-4 works with 100 trillion parameters.

Synonyms: GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformer

Geofencing is a type of location-based advertising and marketing. A mobile app or software uses the global positioning system (GPS), radio frequency identification (RFID), WiFi or mobile data to define a virtual geographic boundary. When a user crosses this boundary inwards or outwards with their device, a marketing or advertising activity is triggered. For example, tennis clothing can be advertised on a tennis court. This virtual boundary is called a geofence.


Unter Gestaltung sind Entwurf und Prozess zur Herstellung eines bewusst geformten Kunstwerkes zu verstehen. Der Begriff kann sich auf Text, Bild, Plastik, Bauwerk, Objekt aber auch Handlung und Sprache beziehen.


Graphics is a collective term for all two-dimensional, graphic forms of representation that involve non-painterly illustration techniques. The classic art genre of graphics includes photography, drawing, print and computer graphics.


A helpdesk is a system that is responsible for the support and service requests of users. It is used in the software and hardware sector and usually takes place via telephone, email, messaging services or chat.


HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and was developed by Timothy John Berners-Lee and his colleagues at the CERN nuclear research center. CERN was founded in 1954 and has been funded by European countries ever since. As in many research institutions, they were looking for ways in which researchers could exchange information with each other. HTML is a language that describes pages and makes them identifiable and founded the World Wide Web.


Implementation is the realization of defined structures and processes in a system, taking into account the specifications created for this purpose (framework conditions, rules and objectives).


Interaction (human-machine) describes how people and automated systems interact and communicate with each other.

iOS App

iOS APP - iOS is the name for Apple's mobile operating system. An iOS app runs on this Apple operating system.


In 1995, Sun Microsystems released the Java programming language and computing platform.

Today, Java forms the basis for the majority of the digital world and acts as a platform for many applications and services. Although Java is one of the oldest Internet programming languages, new, innovative and future-oriented digital services and products are based on Java.


Kanban is literally translated from Japanese as map or visual signal. Kanban is a work management method that originated from the Toyota Production System (TPS).

Kanban Board

Kanban board - the team uses a board on which a card is placed for each task in the project. A Kanban board has at least three columns: Open (To Do), In Progress (Doing) and Done (Done). The cards move across the board depending on the processing status


A logo is a symbol or a design with which a company or organization identifies its products, services, but also buildings or staff clothing etc. Or to put it simply: a logo identifies. A company is recognized by its logo. The logo creates an emotional connection with the outside world and communicates the brand.


BugShot helps design things that people love.


A marker is a wide pen that allows you to underline and highlight text passages with a transparent color. BugShot has a marker that has the same function on websites.


Midjourney is a research institute founded by David Holz. He previously worked at NASA and is a co-founder of Leap Motion. Midjourney is also an AI tool. Users enter a text description and Midjourney uses it to develop art, images and graphics. The beta version has been available since summer 2022 and can be accessed via Discord. The results are impressive.


Project work is often carried out in networks. This means that several people or organizations come together voluntarily in a network, but are organized decentrally. This can be complex, as different interests and corporate cultures have to be brought together. The most important criteria for success are the involvement of all important people, the establishment of structures, work as a process, communication and trust.

Neural networks

Neural networks are a working method in the field of artificial intelligence that copies the behavior of neurons in the human brain. Neural networks are used in image processing, robotics, diagnosis, prediction and many other areas. Unlike regular applications that are programmed to deliver accurate results, neural networks use a much more complex architecture that analyzes data. Neural networks are trained to recognize images, language and other patterns and form the basis for machine learning and deep learning.

NFT - Non-Fungible Token

An NFT (non-fungible token) is a digital asset that is unique and non-exchangeable. This asset can be a photo, song or video whose ownership has been authenticated and stored on a database called a blockchain. An NFT can be collected, sold and traded on dedicated online platforms.

Synonyms: NFT, Non-Fungible Token
Open Source Software (OSS)

Open source software (OSS) is code that is publicly accessible. This means that anyone can use, develop and distribute the code. OSS is developed in a decentralized and collaborative manner and tested by other developers. OSS is often cheaper, more secure and more durable than proprietary software, as it is developed in a network and tested more rigorously. Open source has opened up completely new ways of decentralized collaboration.

Synonyms: Open Source Software, OSS

The operating system is a basic program that manages the components of a computer such as RAM, hard disk space, input and output devices and makes them available for applications. An operating system can be found in almost every type of computer, whether server, mainframe, PC, tablet or smartphone.

The operating system takes care of user communication and access rights, controls the loading, execution and termination of application software, manages processor performance as well as memory capacities and the operation of connected devices such as mice, keyboards, printers, scanners, cameras, etc.


A persona is an invented but realistic description of a person who represents the user of a product or service very realistically. The characteristics of this person are based on their needs, behavior, experiences and goals. Personas reflect subjective attitudes and opinions rather than statistical data about a person.


PHP is short for Hypertext Processor and was originally called 'Personal Home Page Tools'. As an open source scripting language, PHP is mainly used for websites and can be inserted into an HTML document. PHP is considered to be very flexible and compatible with other databases and easy to learn.

Privacy Computing

The more AI determines our everyday lives, the greater the demand for data protection. Privacy computing technologies offer a range of hardware and software solutions that separate data from personal information. If only data values are used, e.g. for the development of pharmaceuticals, and not personal information, privacy and security remain guaranteed.


A project is a one-off undertaking carried out by a team with the aim of achieving a specific result. The three key dimensions of any project are time, money and quality.

QA Testing

QA testing stands for "Quality Assurance Testing" and refers to the process of ensuring and checking the quality of software or products. The aim of QA testing is to ensure that the software or product meets the specified requirements, functions without errors and meets user expectations.

The QA testing process usually comprises the following steps:

Test planning: in this step, the objectives of the test are defined, test strategies are developed and resources are allocated. It is decided which tests are to be carried out and which criteria apply for success.

Test design: This is where test cases are created to cover the various aspects of the software or product. This includes the identification of test data, scenarios and environments.

Test execution: The previously planned test cases are executed and the results are recorded. This can be manual or automated.

Error tracking and reporting: If errors or defects are found during the tests, they are documented and reported back to the developers. This enables troubleshooting and improvement.

Regression testing: After bug fixing, regression testing is performed to ensure that the fixed bugs have not caused new problems.

Final tests: After all tests have been successfully completed, final acceptance testing takes place to ensure that the software or product is ready for delivery.

QA testing is a crucial step in software development and other industries to ensure that quality standards are met and users receive a reliable and bug-free product. It helps to increase customer satisfaction and minimize the cost of subsequent bug fixes.

Quantum computer

Quantum computers use the unique behavior of quantum physics, such as superposition, entanglement and quantum inference, and transfer this to computing power. This extends traditional programming methods with completely new concepts.


Design research is generally understood to be the process by which designers try to better understand the needs and sometimes unarticulated wishes and challenges of users and integrate them into the design process. The aim is to develop solutions that are useful and usable.

Resilience (software)

Software resilience is the ability of software to recover from an unexpected event. A developer must therefore anticipate the imponderables and build them in. Software that does not fail in the event of a malfunction and continues to run with reduced functionality under certain circumstances is resilient.

Synonyms: Resilience

A screenshot is a digital photo of a computer, tablet or smart phone screen.


A script is a sequence of program instructions that are stored in a file or in a program and can be executed repeatedly.


Software is the collective term for all non-physical components of a computer, computer network or mobile device. Software is the programs, applications and the operating system that make the computer functional for the user.

Software Tool

Software tool is a program to support software development that enables the computer-aided application of a method in dialog mode.

Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a latent text-to-image diffusion model that can generate photorealistic images with every text input. The AI cultivates autonomous freedom to produce incredible images, empowering billions of people to create stunning art in seconds. Stable Diffusion is a project of Stability AI, CompVis LMU and Runway with support from EleutherAI and LAION.

Status report

Status reports have the task of briefly and comprehensively informing external stakeholders, the client or the steering committee of a project about the status of the project. They should therefore be no more than two to three pages long and contain the key information in a concise format.

Super App

A super app comprises several services and functions, like a digital Swiss army knife. These can include social networks, eCommerce, banking and other payment functions - a solution for multiple needs. These platforms are very popular in Asia (WeChat, Gojek), but in Europe there are still concerns about data protection.

System Software

System software is the central software of systems. It forms the interface between the hardware components and the application programs and controls the functional processes between the hardware components of computers or other systems equipped with processors.


A team is a group of people who work together on a project.


A text is a sequence of statements that are set down in writing and defined in terms of wording.


The word tracking is used in many areas of our lives today. For example, parcel tracking can be used to track the location of a shipment of goods ordered online. And with a GPS tracker, for example, you can track where a pet is currently roaming. Or you can show and track the bugs in web development.

User Experience

User experience (UX) describes the experience that a user has with a product. The term user experience is also frequently used.

User Experience Design

Analysis, design and optimization of the user experience are the most important elements of user experience design (UX design). The user experience includes the holistic experience (such as feelings, thoughts and needs) of a user with a digital product and is often characterized by a high level of complexity.


A version refers to a variant, a version or an enhanced version of an item, whereby the item may also be software.

Voice Generator (AI)

Speech generators (AI) use text-to-speech (TTS) technology, which reads text and then reads or sings aloud in a human-like voice. The technology can support people with speech disabilities or be used as a voice-over for video material.

Synonyms: Voice Generator
Web Development

Web development is a general term that encompasses all tasks associated with the development of a website. These tasks are usually not design-related, but focus on turning the design elements of a website into a fully functional website.


Web3 is the next step in the development of the Internet. In Web 1.0, users could find, read and view information. Web 2.0 became interactive and users can also edit - keyword social media and the large number of apps. With Web 3, interaction is now joined by owning or executing.  The first principles can already be recognized: Fairness through decentralization, privacy through blockchain, security through encryption and machine learning through AI.


A web designer is responsible for the visual, structural and functional design of websites. In German, the profession is also known as a web designer.


Weblaunch refers to the launch phase of a new website on the Internet, which is usually divided into several phases.

Xerox PARC

The Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) is a Xerox Corporation company and an integral part of Xerox's strategy for investing in the future. PARC was founded in 1970 as an independent research center within Xerox Research and was one of the cornerstones of Silicon Valley. The focus today is on computer vision, the machine identification of people, places, objects and activities, with the aim of solving complex problems.


YouTube was founded in 2005 and is a platform for hosting and streaming videos. Anyone can upload videos, whether with personal or professional content. The videos can be shared with other users (sharing) and commented on. The service is owned by Google, it is one of the most popular platforms worldwide and is financed by advertising.


Zapier is an online tool that can be used to connect different web applications and transfer data. Zapier triggers actions and connects and synchronizes the processes of most apps and software in a company. Frequently repeated processes can be coordinated and automated. This eliminates manual and repetitive tasks.

Zip file

A ZIP file is a file in ZIP format in which data is compressed and saved without loss. ZIP files are often used to send them by email. The ZIP file format was developed in 1989 by Phil Katz and offered by the company PKWARE under the name PKZIP.