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Cross-generational teams - four observations

Master craftsman – If you are a master luthier, your skills have grown over many years and will continue to grow and be refined every day. The master may take on an apprentice and teach and pass on their skills with pride, with the aim that the apprentice masters their craft even better than they do. Few of us live and work in such a traditional craft environment, where knowledge and wisdom are passed down from generation to generation. Digital natives have the knowledge for the digital world that is developing in front of us. Do we all have the skills to use these tools wisely so that we can pass them on?

From Gen Z to Gen C – Alongside many other topics, two major areas are now developing their own momentum: climate change and artificial intelligence - both of which harbor very great risks and therefore also great opportunities. My parents' generation grew up while their parents' generation wiped out the world around them. After the Second World War, a whole generation spent their lives rebuilding and regenerating. They did it well and many of us benefited from it. GenZ have their work cut out for them - I think - and their helicopter parents may not be able to help. They will need the courage to turn into Gen C.