Comparison of Selenium, Puppeteer, Crawlee, Playwright, BeautifulSoup and Cheerio
Chapter 1: Where do they come from?
As mentioned in the original version of the article, Selenium and Puppeteer are prominent tools in this area, originally developed by Thoughtworks and Google.
Crawlee is a simple and fast web crawling framework developed specifically for Python. It enables access to extensive data on websites and is ideal for projects that work with Python. Playwright is a relatively new framework that was also developed by Microsoft. It enables the automation of browser-based tasks via an easy-to-use API and supports all modern web browsers. BeautifulSoup is a Python library developed specifically for web scraping tasks. It enables the parsing of HTML and XML documents and navigation through the structure of these documents.
Cheerio is a server-side JavaScript library that uses the syntax of jQuery and enables the access and manipulation of HTML structures.
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